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Human Rights Industry

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Human Rights Industry- Private or Public enterprise ?

Underground places for prayer and prayer meetings- and social networks of likeminded people.

So called 'Medical Doctors' (Insider Trading) gave False Examination Reports written in a way so as to influence EU member nation Administration's Decision in favor of Applicants' demanding a Permanent Residence Permit within EU (target-Shengan visa privileges). In this way thousands of clandestine, illegals, of unknown characters were sold the benefits of a permanent Residence within EU. These smuggled-ins had to belong to a certain country and religion.

So called Medical Doctors' fake examinations and Falsified Examination Reports.
These medical doctors who actually refused to integrate into European society were allowed to practice medicine within EU and allowed to operate like a State unto themselves ?
If everyone else within EU (including Presidents and Prime Ministers of member nations) can be persecuted for Crimes against Humanity (and planning of) how come these so called 'Medical doctors' are walking the streets as free persons and still receiving payments from nation's Social Security system ?

Is it not enough proof for civilised society-EU's 'Moral bankruptcy' ?

During the same period (and a little while before) AI-Amnesty International missed no opportunity (through its reports-campaigns) to ostracize India/ns.

And how come this highly experienced (2 generations) intelligence gathering corporation AI was not aware what the events/exposures like Sep. 11,2001 could bring to surface.
For example, the same terrorists which are being hunted by the western leaders especially the US now after the events of Sep. 11, 2001 were once their allies/proxies.

After they felt ignored by their former employers, they set-up their own-shops and started competing with their former mentors.

These so called terrorists/radical Islamists now, were before Sep.11, 2001 engaged in all kinds:
of illegal activities (forged currencies,Forged Documents,passports, visas and documents useful for accquiring Asylum Status for their paying clients), smuggling (of drugs, people, weapons and illegally accquired money)clandestine activities.

Post Sep. 11, 2001.

Sufficient information surfaced in the public domain showing how social networks of likeminded people :
supported illegal activities, like theft, fraud-financial institutions, robberies, smuggling, People Smuggling and transfer of money through underground channels
in order to dictate their political goals which they knew couldn't achieve otherwise.
created charitable organisations as fronts for otherwise clandestine activities, insurgency and terrorism.
created cells where the hard core sought shelter, to recuperate and rearm.
It is very likely that Refugee Applications are coded-whereby the bureaucracy dealing with it knows Human Right Defender franchise
backing (agents behind) this Demand and the method of feedback (if in cash or kind ?)
Privileged and Preferential Routing was another hallmark of this alliance, Human Rights Industry franchises and Asylum Business Bureaucracy in EU member nations.