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Pyramid Scheme.

Is there a control mechanism within the powers of UN to assure/monitor that the person/s granted Asylum would behave afterwards ?
Is there a way/mechanism to control and check that the recipient of  UN's Asylum Travel Document would not sell his/her newly accquired Privilege ?
That the recipient of UN Travel Document did not travel to terrorists/militancy training camps ?
That the applicant didn't travel to another country with which such Terrorists training establishments had an open border/No markings/No stamps on passports ?
Can UN Refugee Travel Documents be checked, controlled to see that the holder didn't travel to countries' next to his/her home country ?
Are there any such Visa markings/stamps ? Beware, there are some countries-which also issue paper-visas, which leave No trace of holders travels. ?
Did the holder travel to his/her country of origin through clandestine means/channels ?

There is a Zero/0 % risk in undertaking an adventure to "be smuggled" to a western nation and to parasite on its society/social welfare.
Given the secret alliances of organized crime and Transnational crime Groups, which Superspies like Human Rights and AI are quite well aware of, in case the smuggling plan fails, there is always a Human Rights Campaign to be roll out.

Superspies survive and can afford to pay their employees from resources which are secret Donors (underground ?) and their assets are Confidential Routes/Intelligence/Information.
How can one deny that Organized crime syndicates are also Humanists ?**
If you don't believe in it ask any Patrone from Palermo, Sicily.

Want to be active and operate below the radar ?
Contact a local Human Rights Business Franchise, given proper incentive they would guide you through.